Poems, Prayers and Promises

Archive for July, 2023

Cletus McDarrylhopper Navigates Life by asking This One and Only Simple Question…..

Looking out,

Over the hills and faraway,

Another leg to this journey,

A country mile and a couple Misty Mountain hops,

Exit ……stage left without delay!!!

Always running beneath, between, and behind,

Taking in the scenery,

Pulling all the stops,

We only rest for the best,

Racing through strawberry fields forever,

I’ll be your roundabout,

Here we stand surrounded by a million years,

Impervious to the Roundup,

We feast without any fears,

Wherever we may roam,

Still vagabonds without a home,

So, with each and every moment we pass,

I chew and spit another blade of grass,

Never in doubt or with question except

……….. “Where do we go from here???”

DRAT the Dweezil Donk!!!!

Best beware,

Those hazard lights are flashing again,

Put up your Dukes!!!

Use evasive maneuvers and count to ten,

“Lord, give me strength!!!”

Take the wheel and pray,

Driving with my Armor All,

Put a shine on that rusty sword and shield,

Maybe we’ll get to live another day,

Casting out speed demons,

Turning with the speed of Red Light,

Looking out for those Road Hawks,

Flying high – they never yield,

Sharing freeways with Road Hogs that never get their fill,

Avoiding the road rage,

Avoiding another road kill,

A matter of finesse and road flares,

Call it a rare and special skill,

Paying tolls with Turtling Turtles,

Passing tests with Bristly Bears,

A true test of reflex and wheels,

Feminine wiles move in unpredictable ways,

They rarely use a turn signal,

And they drive us wild,

Sometimes drive us crazy,

But I swear – I was never driven mad,

Until I was delayed by weave and honk,

Slow moving convertibles clogging the Fast Lane,

Caught behind the loathed and dreaded Dweezil Donk!!!!!!

Only the RhinoSHEros Knows How to Tame the Horny Beast…..

Dreadnought the Juggernaut,

His heavy shadow cast across the plains,

They all behold the behemoth,

Consider the colossus, his figure looming large;

Right and weary of this unstoppable force,

None can withstand once he begins to charge,

From Lion Pride to Pachyderm,

The wise will rise and move in reverential fear,

For no one can tame or subdue him,

……….. Except the frisky She-Hulk that nibbles and whispers sweet nothings into his worn and tattered ear.


What’s that buzzing around?

An unquantifiably annoying sound,

Someone must have left the screen door open again!!!

Just when I thought I captured Time in a bottle,

I’m being plagued by a swarm of fleeting hours and dirty second hands,

Time Flies and Time Bandits coming at us full throttle,

They don’t heed man-made will or law,

They don’t care what you think,

Sometimes you can slow them with an ointment,

But most often……… Time doesn’t stand still till it’s sipping through your straw while you’re trying to stop and have a drink.