Poems, Prayers and Promises

Archive for March, 2023

The Fear Frog Fantasy

The adrenalized amphibian,

Plagued by an overactive imagination,

“Be anxious for nothing!!!”

Being anxious for nothing,

Living in socially engineered societies,

Fueled and driven by conjured and indulged anxieties,

Till we’re afraid of the dark,

Afraid of the rain,

Shadows and noises in the park,

If something isn’t wrong it isn’t right,

Afraid of the Light,

Turning into sunbeams without a spark,

Afraid to live,

Afraid to love,

Scared to death of each and every single creepy crawly thing,

Choosing an unnatural selection,

Devolving into a petrified polliwog,

Clinging to falling branches,

Holding on to a false sense of protection,

Convinced that the water is rising,

Certain that we are all going to drown if we let go or fall asleep,

But the fears are unfounded,

Just go ahead…….

Ask any other frog taking the gig and staying grounded,

They will enthusiastically tell you that the water is only…..



We were driving,

Headed on down the road,

Trying to take it easy,

Ready to loosen our load,

When we saw an orange sign that read, “Caution”:

Sure enough the Mustangs and Pintos started pacing,

It became all too clear that the barrel race was on!!!!!

Most everyone Circled Left,

Preparing for the Turnpike Promenade,

But some were determined to ride that Sinner’s Swing,

Ready and willing to Weave the Ring,

Making their stand in a Right hand Grand,

Then trying to Do Si Do when the lane gets too narrow,

But the semitrucks and Buicks hold the line and ease the gas,

They would rather Box the Gnat than let him cut and pass,

Soon enough the Contra turns into a Two Step,

Almost grinding to a complete stop,

The shoulders are littered with bump caps and Stetsons,

Mixing trucks and caution lights are fast at work and play,

Oblivious to the exhausted motorists desperate to Pass Thru, Separate, and Go Home,

Being forced to mosey and crawl

………Until they can slowly Roll Away to a Half Sashay.

It’s Beautiful (once you’re out here)

Thus sings my soul,

My Savior God, to Thee,

The water is rising,

I am sinking beneath an endless sea,

The higher the waves crest and peak,

The more desperate I become to hear You speak:

Will You cease the wind?!!

Will You still the waters???!!!!

I will praise You!!!

Praise to You through the storm!!!

It’s the least that I can do,

It’s all that I can do!!!

I am thankful…..


You have called my name!

And I can hear You say,

“These wonders will never cease,

And your hope will never float,

Until you fix your eyes upon Me,

So…… come along now. It’s time to step out of the boat.

We have work to do!!!”

Aak Titighodo Wants To Be Mr. Universe

He used to be such a scrawny nymph,

The folks used to laugh and say, “He’s just a tiny squirt.”,

Hopping mad and prone to uncontrollable outburst,

Aak didn’t like to be manhandled,

His feelings were easily hurt;

Spurned and ignored by lady bug,

Teased and pinched by juvenile delinquent,

Aak exercised every leaf and limb,

Feasting on Calotropis Gigantea,

Pushing and pulling barbell and dumbbells made of twig and berry:

Now impressing Damselfly and Katydid at the gym he likes to frequent,

Aak Titighodo wants to be Mr. Universe,

Aspiring to meet and marry Miss USA so that he can spend the rest of his life ……..carrying her purse.

Keep the Change…

Unconditional Grace,

Saved me – Just as I am,

I stand amazed,

That He Who is Righteous would take my place,

Salvation through Your Will,

Redeemed by the Blood You spill,

Surpassing unconditional – Your Love and Mercy are greater still,

Providence giving a surplus,

Repentance and Truth are currencies that have been uncomfortable and strange,

But after all that Jesus has paid for me,

I will never tell Him to ……. keep the change!!!!!